Scars And Stripes: Assassin's Creed III
There are three remarkable things about the new Assassin's Creed III trailer, although 'remarkable' may be too strong a word really, so let's dial it back to 'notable'. Thing number one is that, having just read all about Rome II, I couldn't help but think the opening of this video would make more sense as an advert for Total War of Independence. Secondly, I was surprised to learn that despite not actually being released yet, Assassin's Creed III was the best adventure game and action game at E3. It was also the best trailer, which makes more sense. The last thing I noted was that some of the single player missions are so big that it's only possible for consolemen to get them by pre-ordering the game in a giant box, although the PC Digital Deluxe Edition manages to fit them down an internet tube.
How is it only now that I've seen the new assassin's full name. Connor Kenway. Now, that is remarkable.