Scout Update Day 6: Going Live
Baseball pre-season begins. And the Scout Update goes live. After the vote to see in which order the unlocks should be added, the order is announced. It's Force-A-Nature first, then The Sandman, then finally the Bonk Energy Drink.
Valve have also announced 50% off the price of TF2 until Friday (and presumably 320% more dosh for Valve). That makes it £7 in the UK, 10€ in Europe, and $10 in the US. We don't know if there will be a free TF2 weekend this weekend, as has previously happened with updates, but have contacted Valve to find out. So let us know your experiences of the new Scout below.
As you'll have noticed, there's no Meet The... video announced, which is a shame. And as commented below, still no mention of the dual payload map we saw a glimpse of. However, there are a bunch of other updates tucked in with the Scout's new bits and bobs.
Along with the Scout's unlocks and achievements and the new maps, there's also some new sound effects, new dialogue, and some new details for the Spy.
The Spy can now choose which weapon the enemy sees him holding, and has had the backstab tweaked to fix stabbing people in the face (sometimes games journalism has you write some stark phrases). Also, a disguised Spy can now see player IDs for enemies. The full list of changes are below.
New features
* Added The Force-A-Nature, The Sandman, and Bonk!
* Added 35 new Scout achievements
* Added crit boosted on/off sound effects
* Added new sounds for upgraded teleporters
* Added new sound for a fully charged medic dying
* Add bonus points section to scores
o Scouts earn a bonus point for killing Medics who are actively healing a target
* Added several new speech concepts, mostly hooked up to new Scout lines
* Added new "Remember last weapon between lives" option to the Multiplayer Advanced dialog
* Spies can now control which weapon the enemy team sees them holding. Hitting the "last disguise" key while disguised updates the disguise to show the Spy's currently held weapon
* Added several new Arena mode announcer speech events.
* Added "First Blood" to Arena mode
* Removed 2x item respawn times in arena
* Changed backstab handling to fix facestabs
* Spies disguised as enemy team can now see player IDs for enemies
New maps
* Added community maps: cp_egypt, arena_watchtower, and cp_junction
* Updated cp_fastlane with Arttu's new version
Mapmaker requests
* Added new input for forward speed modifier to FuncTrainTrain
* Added TeleportToPathTrack input to func_tracktrain
* Fixed a bug where players would sometimes gib from non-gib damage kills
* Fixed stat screen showing an entry for a class called "map."
* Fixed item model panels not using team skins
- Fixed obscure bug where spectators were able to carry the flag