Gearbox's Duke Nukem Real, Due 2011
UPDATE: CONFIRMED! And due for release next year. Wowsers.
Initial picture proof (Thanks to these chaps.) And here's more. And more. And more. Honestly: it's real.
Video stream on the ongoing PAX announcement below, including attendees actually playing it with their actual hands. Pigs flew after all.
ORIGINAL:The hot word on the hot street is that 2K are unveiling something hot at that time, live from the showfloor of the Penny-Arcade Expo. Hotter still, it's hotly-tipped to be Gearbox's rumoured finishing-up of Duke Nukem Forever. Is it? Maybe/probably/everyone on the internet's saying it is, so don't blame us if it isn't. Look, Randy's even wearing a relevant t-shirt today, though maybe he's just a massive prankster.
Find out for yourself by pointing those beautiful eyes of yours at the live-streaming videobox below at 6pm BST, 1pm EST, 10am PST and 7pm CET (It is DNF. Maybe. Probably. Everyone on the internet's saying it is anyway, so don't blame us if it isn't).
The embed code gave me a choice of colours for the border. I chose pink, just for you.