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The Complete S.EXE, Cara Ellison's Series About Games, Sex and Relationships

29 columns about sexuality, love and lust

From 2014-2015, RPS's Senior Scottish Correspondent Cara Ellison wrote S.EXE, 29 columns about games about sex, games about love, games about the space in between those two things, games about sexuality, and games about schlongs. Unfortunately the series is on indefinite hiatus as Cara takes a break from writing about games after her spectacular but surely exhausting Embed With... project, but whether you missed it the first time, didn't catch all of them or are simply missing it already, you should absolutely revisit S.EXE yourself now. It's a by turns insightful and funny (and very often both) document of the wilder side of games, the darker side of games, the sillier side of games and a hugely important but often little-seen side of games. Here's the complete archive.

Please be aware that many of these are NSFW, depending on your workplace or whoever else is watching.

And, sadly enough, that's it for now. It's not quite the end of S.EXE, however: Cara has plans for the series, including a standalone compliation of everything to date. Many thanks for writing these, Cara. We hope you come back soon.

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