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ShootMania's Friend Game: Invites For Non-Players

When is a demo not a demo? That is a question that has plagued many, many, many people. It's why Plato and Socrates fell out at Wrestlemania -320BC. There are alphas, betas, demos, and even schemes that share games among friends, like Shootmania now has. Everyone who owns the game can invite a friend in to play the game in Elite mode, the 3vs3 attack/defend mode. I can see the invitation causing a strain on a few friendships, because the owner of the game can generate two different types of passes: one that gives the friend limited access to the mode, and another where they get unlimited playtime.

If you get the stinging slap of a limited invite, which gives you three matches per day, you'll know that your friend doesn't deem you worthy of Super Guest Access, which they'd have to buy using the baffling in-game credits that ShootMania generates for players. Recipients of that can play as much Elite mode as they want to. I'm surprised that it's Elite mode and not an easier mode to grasp: it's 3v3, but only the defenders have all three players on the map at the same time. Attackers only have one player in action, with the others watching.

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It's not an entirely selfless act: Nadeo's not quite successful shooter could do with an injection of new players, so it benefits everyone except me. I own the game, but I don't have any friends.

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