Shovel Knight's Free Plague Knight Expansion Released
A new adventure
I exhibit levels of nostalgia some describe as "monstrous" - I recently decided that keeping both the last birthday card and the final Christmas card from my dead grandmother constituted hoarding and binned one of them, and don't even get me started on chiptune - so you can trust that I'm not simply taken in by the retro stylings of Shovel Knight [official site]. It's pretty nice. Now it's bigger, as this week brought the free expansion Plague of Shadows, a pleasant bundling-up of old Kickstarter stretch goals including a secondary campaign starring the dastardly Plague Knight.
The double-crossing constable of crucibles will follow a slightly different path through the campaign, turning on his pals in his own quest for power. He plays differently to Shovel Knight, with new alchemical abilities, and will encounter new bosses and things.
The expansion also brings crafting, a new Challenge Mode (with boss battles, speed runs, and things), and more. It's out now on Windows, Mac, and Linux, free for everyone - paid for by Kickstarter backers. Here, have a look at Plague Knight's antics: