Football Manager's Manager Man finds new job with Soccer Manager
Good to see our pal land on his feet
Good news, Football Manager fans: the series's former mascot, Manager Man, has landed on his feet following his firing after FM2018. It seems the beloved man, known for his appearances between the nose and knee on years of Football Manger box art, has gone over to the American leagues. That art ↑ up there, see, is from Soccer Manager 2019, a free-to-play manage 'em up which launched on Steam yesterday. Yes, the game is named Soccer Manager. No, it's nothing to do with Football Manager or its developers, Sports Interactive. Don't you get all cynical: Soccer Manager has given our dear old friend a job after Sega callously binned him - and he looks to be having a great time.
Soccer Manager isn't new, kicking around pocket telephones and PC for several years now, but I've noticed Manager Man only joined for the 2018 instalment - released barely one month after his final appearance on the Football Manager cover. We should have spotted him, we should have known.
The most tragic part of Football Manager firing Manager Man is that it came when he was seemingly at the very top of his game, with his team doing great and him chuffing loving it. We followed the highlights of Manager Man's journey following the tragic news.
Still. He's landed on his feet (I assume he has feet? I've never seen them) and at an exciting time for football in the USA, with the sport gaining ground and some serious fans.
Oh, right, yes: Soccer Manager 2019 is free-to-play on Steam and I hear the series is like a scrappier and slimmer FM so maybe you'll go along and support our pal in his new job?