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Someone Says Something Nice About PC Shocker

With all the moaning and bitching about the PC of late, it's a relief to hear EA championing the format. According to a recent Eurogamer article, EA say that the consoles still can't keep up with the real-time strategy.

"Console RTS design has come a long way, but I don't know if you will be able to lead design of a true RTS, which is so inherently reliant on the mouse and keyboard combination, on the console. It's one of the reasons we don't do cross platform play - the way RTS' [sic] are meant to be played, the PC guys would be so much faster."

This is all being said to suggest that next year's Red Alert 3 will be cross-platform, but even this early on EA are stating it won't compare to the PC version.

"What our team has done with the new radial interface in C&C3 Kane's Wrath is leaps and bounds beyond that. It's still not close to a PC, but it shows we can keep improving and that's something our team is dedicated to continue to strive towards."

Yeah, we'll take the scraps we're tossed at this point. Read the rest of the article here. And check out the Red Alert 3 screenshots here.

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