Sony President on DCUO: "F2P FTW!"
Tweeting like he's just snapped the first candid picture of Clark Kent's super-undies, Sony President John Smedley has been documenting the effect going free-to-play has had on MMORPG biffer DC Universe: Online. It's increased the concurrent playerbase by "1000%".
The influx of players has been so numerous that Sony are investing in more hardware to cope with the new cape-wearers, with long queues and crashes attributed to the unexpected success of the new business model.
Now obviously that just means sign-ups for the free game thus doesn't mean they're making crazy money yet, and not even Superman could hold aloft an MMOG when the players start fleeing. But it's a lot of eyes on the storefront, and it places DC: Universe in a position to wave some new patent leather booties around with a price-tag on them.
It makes you wonder why Lego Universe didn't even attempt to head down that route. It's painful to see 115 jobs being lost when there's an alternative to simply switching everything off. They just gave up.
Via Massively