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Speculation: Assassin's Creed 3 Is Coming To America

The bones of Assassin's Thr33d, as it must now forever be known, have been dug up by Kotaku, showing off a very assassiny looking person. He's standing in front of a billowing American flag, wearing chaps and carrying flintlock pistol, a tomahawk, and a bow and arrows strapped to his back. He's also covered in blood, as if he's just stabbed a giant, sated leech. My conclusion: cosplayers everywhere have a new costume to copy, and that George Washington should probably invest in some stab proof colonial long johns.

It had to be a place with horses, didn't it? That's the only way Ubisoft could turn around another Assassin's Creed game every year: keep the horses, build the rest of the game around it. Colonial America is very horsey. While I've grown to love the Ezio-flavoured sassy games, I can't say I ever paid attention to the stories or managed to complete one. If I'm given a world to hop-skip-and jump around, there's almost no chance of me wondering why I'm doing what I'm doing: I just run, jump and stab. So I can't say if this fits into the overall lore particularly well, or if the story even needs it to. And I was personally hoping for Victorian London or Paris.

There's an expected announcement coming March 5th, and the game's due out in October (but probably Nobvember for the PC) this year, so look excited when they "reveal" it. Go on, it'll make them feel better.

Via Kotaku.

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