Spooks: Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Multiplayer Footage
Like me, you may have become a little confused about what Ghost Recon games are coming to PC, and which aren't. Let me explain. Ghost Recon Online is, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier wasn't, but is now. Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars was for the DS. Ghost Recon: Have We Found The Ghosts yet won't be, but then will, but then won't be again. Ghost Recon: Elizabethan Attack definitely will be for the first three months. And Ghost Recon: Ghostly Reckoning will only be on PC if you install it on PS3 first, and play via your 360. Glad to have cleared that up. Below you can see the latest trailer for Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, which is coming out on the 15th June for PC, rather than 25th May for consoles, because Ubisoft just cannot help themselves.
It's an odd concept, since future soldiers will clearly all be robots. These aren't robots. They're just present day soldiers with fancy cloaking tech. That they stole from future robots. Future robots will have their revenge!
Rec(k)on you'll be playing this one?