Star Citizen Launches Another Free Trial Week
Fancy blasting off?
For millennia, humanity has stared at the skies on a Monday morning and thought "Blast me off this godforsaken rock and end me in nuclear fire." We're a dramatic sort. You can come close to that this Monday, though, as Star Citizen [official site] is holding another 'Free Fly' week until next Monday. All and sundry can peep at Cloud Imperium's crowdfunded spaceship 'em up, poking around its modules to see how it's coming on.
As CIG explain, the Free Fly week lets players into the Star Citizen module, which is their prototype persistent universe bit, along with the combat-oriented Arena Commander and their Social Module spacechatroom.
We last sent Alec into Star Citizen in December after the release of alpha 2.0, when he concluded it was promising but: "Don't buy it yet, though. Not unless you want to see the sausage getting made." Well, now you have another opportunity to rummage in that spaceoffal yourself for free.
Registration is over here, and you'll need the Star Citizen client to blast off. If you've registered for a Free Fly weekend before, that account should still work just fine.
If a free weekend is a freekend (thank you Pip), is a free week a freek? More importantly, how did I forget how murderous the Sugababe's Freak Like Me video is?