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Star Trek: Bridge Crew drops out of hyperspace

And also with you

Virtual reality Kessel Run 'em up Star Trek: Bridge Crew [official site] has dropped out of hyperspace and into cybergoggles. It lets players pop on their goggs to serve as crew aboard an Empire starship, each taking control of one specific bridge station and hopefully not totally botching it. It's a bit like Artemis but less serious or Spaceteam but less silly. You can also play on your lonesome with AI crewmates, if you'd like. Star Trek: Bridge Crew is out now for Rift and Vive cybergoggles.

So there you are, in space, taking orders from a captain (or playing as the captain) and hoping you don't all explode. Press that button! Toggle that doodad! Do the thingy! Turn us around! Here, you can see how this works in Eurogamer's videos from a recent preview event where our Pip played with some of our spacepals:

Watch on YouTube

Watch on YouTube

Along with a scripted story campaign about helping our Vulcan chums, Bridge Crew has an 'Ongoing Missions' mode that'll keep popping out procedurally-generated shenanigans. The story stars a new spaceship, the USS Aegis, while Ongoing Missions has the option to fly ye olde USS Enterprise NCC-1701 from Star Trek: A New Hope.

Star Trek: Bridge Crew is £39.99/49,99€/$49.99 on Steam and the Ubi store. It's made by Red Storm Entertainment and published by their spacedads at Ubisoft.

May the thirtieth be with you.

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