Star Wars: Squadrons devs say they're not doing another Star War
"Human error" is to blame for a job listing
One week after a job listing said Motive were hiring for "an upcoming Star Wars action game", the Star Wars: Squadrons studio have said oops nope, not true, no Star War here. It was "human error", they say. Typical humans. No, whatever it is they are making next (and they do hint they're "working on something pretty special"), apparently we will not see a single Galaxy-class starship or Ferengi.
Shortly after Squadrons launched in October, general manager Patrick Klaus said in a blog post that Motive were "working on several unannounced projects." No hints there. At the end of the month, GamesRadar+ reported on a job listing seeking a build programmer to join them on "an upcoming Star Wars action game", "starting immediately". Which, y'know, made people think Motive were once again boldly going where no one has gone before. They deny that:
As a skilled practitioner of human error, I would not be surprised if someone had copy/pasted an older listing for the basic structure then forgot to change this detail.
Almost a shame to hear the makers of a good Star Wars game aren't doing another. Our Nate's Star Wars: Squadrons review called it "as elegant and joyful as you could hope a Star Wars dogfighting game to be." But maybe their reward is to get to do whatever they want next, having proven themselves. I wouldn't want them forced into the drudge of endless sequels.
Motive have said they won't run Squadrons as a live service game so I wouldn't expect big content updates, though I suppose that wouldn't rule out an old-fashioned expansion? They have been patching it, mind, including adding Baby Yoda last week, and only yesterday launching update 2.0 with forfeit rule changes.