Harvb points at Ten Ton Hammer picking up on the Courthouse News reporting that Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment shareholders filling a suit for - deep breath - Declaratory Judgment, Fraudulent Transfer, Breach of Contract, Aiding and Abetting a Tort (Breach of Fiduciary Duties and Fraudulent Transfer), Civil Conspiracy, Unjust Enrichment, Tortious lnterference and Injunctive Relief against against Dark Comet Games, Fresh Start Studios and associated individuals. It's worth reading Ten ton hammer's full write-up, but the core is the allegations that the shooter Stargate Resistance was transferred from CME to Fresh Start Studios for a mere $100K without court or board approval, leaving CME in receivership with no source of income - and this is after Fresh-Start allegedly tried to remove all assets from CME on February 12th and had to be stopped by the police. You can see the full complaint here if you want to pick over it.
Meanwhile, RPS wonders whether we're the first people to call it Stargategate. Google seems to say yes. RPS is, once again, first to the most obvious gags.