Steam Charts: Infinite Consistency
Last week, like drinking mulled wine on a chilly November evening, I found great comfort in a Steam top ten that seemed to reflect the wide, weird and wonderful nature of modern PC gaming. After months of recurrent names, it was a bright new dawn of variety. Anything is possible.
I am a fool.
1. Sid Meier's Civilization VI
Continues its dominance at the top, which might seem unusual to those of us who frantically burned through a couple of campaigns immediately after release, but Civ's always been a long-tail sort of game. It's a bloody big achievement to be ruling the roost in Call of Duty week, however.
2. Sid Meier's Civilization VI
As per the last month and man I am sick of saying it, this is almost certainly the Deluxe Edition. Which means four chunks of post-release DLC (contents unknown as yet), bundled for a bit cheaper than they would be individually.
3. Grand Theft Auto V
4. Football Manager 2017
I can semi-exclusively reveal that Team RPS will shortly be embarking on a pass-the-savegame FM17 campaign in which we progressively wreck poor Adam's premiership dreams. IAN FOOTBALL WILL RETURN, sorta.
5. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
It's not a huge placement for the latest annual face-murder iteration, is it? In fairness, the game didn't launch until Friday so most of these sales will be pre-orders, not the large swathe of people who needed it there and then and/or wanted to wait for reviews, but you'd expect this to clean-up on presales too. Choked out by Battlefield and Skyrim, bloom coming off rose thanks to lukewarm reviews, or simply going to go nuts next week?
6. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
On the one hand, one might argue that this should have been higher. Google Analytics certainly tell me that a near-absurd number of folk are still super-interested in Skyrim. On the other hand, a huge mass of Skyrim fans got this as a free upgrade to their Ye Olde Editione, so it's not particularly surprising that actual sales on PC weren't scraping the rim of the sky. Be interesting to see what happens next week, when the free upgrade offer has expired - has everyone who wants it got it, or will there be a mass of Lydia-come-latelys grudingly stumping up for the special edition?
7. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
8. Dead by Daylight
No. No. No no no no. Look, I can cope with GTA V and Counter-Strike: The Latest One being in here week after week after week after week. I can. I really can. But this former perennial suddenly coming back to hog a seat after weeks of keeping its head down? Not fair. Not fair. Not fair I can't I can't I oh I I II IIIIIIIIIIIWe
We like to party.
We like.
We like to party.
9. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
Well! One of these is sales from Friday to Sunday, one of these is pre-orders from Monday to Thursday. I give you leave to guess which is which. It is, after all, the most important choice facing the world today.
10. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Digital Deluxe Edition
I know I said that thing about CODIW not charting as high as might have been suspected, but it's still nabbed three seperate placements, so clearly doing pretty well. Yon deluxe edition includes the base game, COD 4 remastered and the IW season pass for future DLC, plus bonus maps including "Zombines In Spaceland", because we're all still stuck in 2009. Oh: also, it's worth keeping in mind that Battlefield One is only sold on PC via Origin, so we have no useful metric for seeing who's winning the ancient war at the moment.