Sid Meier's Civilization 7 is coming in 2025, with more details in August
As per leaks earlier today
The way not-E3 games showcases work is that you open with something attention-getting an unexpected, end with the biggest game of the show, and pack the middling and mundane in the middle. Sid Meier's Civilization VII is surely one of the biggest announcements of this year's (in-progress, as I type this) Summer Game Fest 2024, and yet it was buried in that middle section, as unassuming as Sid himself.
Here's the teaser trailer:
There's not a lot known about the game so far, not even any screenshots. It's coming in 2025, there will be a more robust reveal of its "exciting new features and innovations" in August, and it, uh, contains civilisations? That last one is just me speculating, though.
In the SGF stream, the trailer was followed by a brief to-camera segment from Sid Meier himself. He said nothing really of note, but I do delight in seeing him.
It doesn't feel that long ago, but it's been eight years since Civilization 6. Adam called it "a thing of wonder" and a contender for his favourite game of 2016 in his Civilization 6 review. I'm curious how they'll find yet another fresh take on the concept.
The flurry of summer games events are now underway! Hit up our Summer Game Fest 2024 hub and our Day Of The Devs roundup for all the news worth caring about from the shows so far.