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Still Alive Live

The Rock Paper Shotgun logo repeated multiple times on a purple background
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun

We know full well what Portal's now-legendary credits song sounds like as sung by an insane AI construct (and I also have the unique horror of knowing what it sounds like as sung by half a dozen boozed-up games journalists, at least one of which appeared to have tears in his eyes come the final chorus), but how about in the dulcet tones of the guy who actually wrote it?

Dan kindly sends his intimate (is it still possible to say 'intimate' without it sounding like it's about sex'n'stuff? Sigh.) recording of Jonathan Coulton performing Portal's Still Alive, live and unplugged for the AT&T Tech Channel . It's a specially and professionally-recorded version, rather than the shaky, farty-sounding handycam videos of Coulton performing it at a gig, which you may have spotted on other websites. And it's a moment for Portal fans to treasure:

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