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Terraria: Journey's End will be its final major update

A final round of applause for a block buster

Enduringly popular 2D mine-and-crafter Terraria's next big patch has been teased for a while, and at E3's PC Gaming Show yesterday, developers Re-Logic announced it will be its last. Formerly known as version 1.3.6, Journey's End will be adding one last big round of features and content. There'll be a variety of quality-of-life features, another 800 items to discover (or build), and the usual new bunch of bosses and monsters to hunt. There's an expanded weather system, a golf mini-game, a brutal new difficulty level and an overhaul to how the game generates worlds. Below, the trailer.

Journey's End will be a free update for everyone, officially bringing the game up to version 1.4. It's planned as the final major release for the game, and while there'll be smaller patches to polish up the free new expansion, but the game is officially being put out to pasture, after an impressive eight year run. There's no date pinned down for this update, but Re-Logic are aiming to get it out sometime in the next six months. If it needs to be delayed further, it may be.

Not featured in the trailer, but one feature on the way - the Void Vault - should help greatly. Rather than run out of inventory space, a portal will open to suck loose items into a vault back at your home base. Similarly small but impactful is the Block Swap feature, shown in the trailer, which allows you to replace blocks without having to mine them up. A huge quality-of-life improvement. Apparently there's a bunch more stuff that they want to keep secret until launch, or drip-feed in teaser news over the coming months. However you slice it, this looks like a big update.

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My only concern with Journey's End is that thanks to it changing fundamental aspects like world generation, it seems likely to break the game's unofficial modding support for a while. You might want to check out my roundup of the biggest and best Terraria mods before the new patch hits. It might be a while until everything is updated to play nice with Journey's End, and I have a sneaking suspicion that several mods never will. At least it should be a stable platform to mod after this release.

As for what's next for Re-Logic? They're secretive, but confirm that they'll be starting work on their next game. Apparently not even they know what that might be yet, so it might be some time - possibly years - before an announcement. Or they could have something secret waiting in the wings. Either seems possible.

See our E3 2019 tag for more news, previews, opinions, and increasingly surreal liveblogs.

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