The Duke Nukem As-I-Play LiveBlog
Update: that's it for now, folks. I'll try to do some more over the weekend. I must be honest and admit I don't want to though. So far it's a bizarre, often witless mess of scatty, wasted ideas, clunky writing and surprisingly little action. Here's hoping it improves now I'm out of the backtrack-heavy casino bit, though.
Eventually, via dark magicks, I have made Duke Nuke Forever on Steam work. I'll be playing it on and off during the day, and sharing my thoughts in the below liveblog. No need to refresh the page - just watch and let it happen. And, hopefully, laugh and think about how clever I am. Or how witless and inaccurate I am. That can happen too.
It'll pause on occasion while I wander off to do important things like eat and play with the cat, so don't presume it's over until I make it quite clear when it's over. Let's go!
You can comment in the liveblog as well as in the standard way, but they require approval from me so there might be a bit of a wait while I shoot a pigman in the face or listen to a joke about Duke's balls or something.