The Electronic Wireless Show episode 191: the best games from Not E3 2022
Geoff Fest! Wholesome Direct! And our LA correspondent who was boots on the ground!
This week Matthew and Nate are both away, but luckily I'm joined by two very special guests to discuss our favourite games from Summer Geoff Fest and the Not E3 2022 steams and showcases this past weekend. Rebecca from our guides team has been doing exhaustive work doing live chats and roundups for almost all the streams, and Edders was actually out in Los Angeles to play some games and chat to people. He even saw St. Geoff in the flesh. Wowser!
We go through quite a list of things, and I'm sure we've missed some of your favourites, so feel free to chime in. All in all I think we saw some cool stuff; good work to video games.
You can listen above, or on on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, or Pocket Casts. You can find the RSS feed here, and you can discuss the episode on our Discord channel, which has a dedicated room for podcast chat.
Music is by Jack de Quidt.
Music is by Jack de Quidt who is cool and therefore probably didn't watch any of Geoff Fest.Links
We had a good run of cool horror games shown over the weekend. Rebecca is very up for Layers Of Fears, whatever it is and despite the terrible name. I really enjoyed seeing a hot 30 seconds of Ill, and The Callisto Protocol is looking very luxe Dead Space (Ed interviewed Glen Schofield to learn more). There's also The Alters which... like, I'm not sure it's a horror game but it gives me the willies.
At LA Ed got some hands on time with a few cool games including Time Flies, Sonic Frontiers, Vice NDRCVR and Birth.
Some of the smaller games that stood out to me and Rebecca were A Little To The Left, Paper Trail, The Invincible and Sam Barlow's new game Immortality. There's also Obsidian's new weird medieval murder-mystery Pentiment.
We also talked about some bigger games, like Starfield (the reveal of which made me laugh quite a lot) and Redfall, which looks fucking great tbh.