The Electronic Wireless Show podcast episode 168: BAH GAWD! That's the Christmas Special 2021's music!
As God is my witness, that game is broken in half
God rest ye merry listener, let nothing you dismay - for today, for one night only, EWS stands for Electronic Wrestling Show. Yes, our podcast's wrestling promotion has rolled into your town for a showstopping tag team match. Each of your pod hosts fields a three-game tag team of our favourite games of the year, and fields them in a spectacular(ly described) ladder match. The victor will claim the GOTY In The Bank briefcase and win the chance to compete next year as well.
Before we get to that, though, we must first discuss (at length) whether 200 t-shirts is a lot of t-shirts, what Nate is having for his Christmas dinner, what kind of cop duo would be named Halloumi & Date, and also what our favourite Christmas songs are. Nate also does a really good Mankind pun. Plus: which wrestler would be the best hugger?
You can listen above, or on on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, or Pocket Casts. You can find the RSS feed here, and you can discuss the episode on our Discord channel, which has a dedicated room for podcast chat.
Music is by Jack de Quidt.
Music is by Jack de Quidt, who is a GOTY every year.Links
Nate's team is Humankind, Age Of Empires 4, and Hitman 3
Alice's team is Unpacking, Wytchwood and The Forgotten City
Matthe's team is Forza Horizon 5, Psychonauts 2 and also Hitman 3
The GOTY In The Bank briefcase went to Psychonauts 2 or possibly GTA Remastered by default.
Recommendations this week are West Side Story if you're comfortable going to a cinema, and The Power Of The Dog if you're not, the TV show Succession and the amazing New Yorker profile on extremely talented weirdo Jeremy Strong, and Wellington Paranormal.