The First Five Minutes Of BioShock Infinite, If You Want
Do you want to see the first five minutes of BioShock: Infinite? I don't. I want to play them at the time! However, should you be of a more curious mind, or simply incapable of waiting now you know it exists, desperately trying to, but horribly aware that like the beginnings of a sneeze it's inevitable that you're going to have to press play eventually, you can watch them in the video below.
I can't really add any commentary here, as I've not seen it. In fact, via the magic of Alec having done most of the coverage for this game, I've managed to avoid having to learn almost anything about it. Apparently it features a girl with a big cleavage - that's what I've found out so far. I'm going to be a terrible games journalist and try to stick to that, inevitably to be disappointed on the eventual release when it proves to be combat-obsessed.