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The Old Republic - "This Changes Everything"

I adore the sheer arrogance of this video. The Old Republic setting requires leaving familiar Star Wars characters behind, right? Well, seems Bioware have said "fuggit - let's just put Darth Vader in there anyway." Clearly it's not actually ol' talk, dark and bronchial, but, y'know - it really is. And, come the end of this video, it's the Vader vs Obi-Wan lightsaber fight the world had been praying and hoping Episode 3 would offer, and that it so summarily failed to deliver upon. This cinematic, then, may not be explaining all that much about how the game plays, but it is saying one thing loud and clear - "we're going to fix Star Wars."

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As if a million voices cried out at once, and were suddenly fanboys... I'm bored to my last midichlorian of Lucas's milked-dry sci-fi franchise, but this trailer managed to reawake the teenager in me several times. From judicious use of Luke's theme at the start to the promise of mass Jedi vs Sith pile-ons and that final "yeah, I'm Vader" shot, I got far more excited than I'd ever have expected. But... what of the game itself? For details of that, we have the SWTOR slice of EA's E3 press conference yesterday:

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Oh, bless those LARPers. And full spoken dialogue throughout? Lawks. That's going to be one big install. Lucky I bought a terabyte hard drive last month.

Individual, per-class storylines too, apparently. Big, big promises. I've heard far too many big, big promises from this genre, so forgive me for keeping one suspicious eyebrow raised until I see this wonderful-sounding thing in action.

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