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The Paths To Glory: Wildstar

Admission: I'd forgotten that Wildstar existed until I watched a new video for the game today. I'm very glad to be reminded though because it looks like that rarest of things, an MMORPG that I might want to play for more than five minutes. The video shows giant monsters, death ray spewing robotfaces acting as an environmental hazard and demonstrates some of the capabilities for each possible 'path' players can follow. Read more about that concept in Alec's interview or go right ahead and watch the video.

Word of warning - I was about thirty seconds in when I realised that Jeremy Gaffney is the prime candidate to perform the narration that should accompany me through my life. Even my dumbest mistakes would seem endearing.

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I love so much of the design but I still shudder when I see the bunny ears and fox tails. They are optional though, clothing rather than anatomical, so expect me to replace them with a stovepipe hat and two plump bowler hats respectively.

Sign up for the beta here if you so choose.

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