The RPS Electronic Wireless Show Episode 16
Welcome to our first ever sixteenth Electronic Wireless Programme. It's Jim and John this week, once more gathered in John's gloomy room to record their completely not gloomy podcast. Under our terrifying wordgaze comes Mafia II, LucasArts anecdotes, Stalker: Clear Sky modding, Zeno Clash piracy tactics, and the comments of Heather Chaplin.
We also discuss the benefits of two monitors and how it's impossible to ever go back. There's thoughts on whether the original Mafia is still worth playing, and why Mafia II looks like it might be quite good. There's Jim's plans for a Clear Sky mod pack which we'll hopefully see on the site some time next week. A few comments on the last part of playing KotOR as evil as possible. And there's thoughts on the expanding nature of RPS. We get into a discussion over whether game developers are really adolescent, as well as taking a close look at how ACE Team are addressing the pirates. Ooh, and Google vans stalking PC Gamer editors.
So get the mp3 directly from here, visit its own site here, subscribe to it by RSS with this, or get it on iTunes from here.
For the Mafia draw distance mod, head here and search for "draw distance".
Here's part one and two of the Bastard of the Old Republic, part three on Eurogamer tomorrow.
Here's the Zeno Clash post from Mininova.