The RPS Electronic Wireless Show Episode 9
You're excited. We're excited. We're so excited we've got a microexpansion. It probably doesn't make much sense to you now, but will do after you've finished episode 9 of the RPS Electronic Wireless Show. This is the one where RPS' London contingent hit back at the provincial sorts and talk about all things PC gaming, and a few things that aren't. Main topics? World in Conflict: Soviet Fisticuffs, why games journos go into development, Dawn of War 2 and the relative merits of bugginess and shortness. Oh, and Empire Total War, with some terrible understanding of history. Simon Schama would be disgusted.
We're especially fond of bits where we pause to consume Revels and Coke, Kieron forgetting the name of videogames and unexpectedly remembering what euphemism was for the triangle of slave trade was called, faux-death-speeches in Dawn of War, general slander and things to make men weep.
For those who have trouble separating the voices, Alec is the sullen mumbly one and Kieron is the nasally hyperactive one.
You can get the mp3 directly from here. Or you could go to the podcast's own little home here. Or you can find it on iTunes here. If that link still works, which I hope it does. I haven't got Itunes on this machine so can't check. Man!
There is no update on the podcast compo. That's John and Jim's business, not ours. Go bully them.