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RPS Omnibus: Mar 30th - April 5th

It's the Omnispacebus! Space week has been and gone, but if you missed even a single syllable of our vaguely thematic wittering about stars and planets and spaceships and jetpack brontosauruses and dear Christ so much Eve, here's where to catch up.

Oh, worth quickly mentioning a site-tech snafu, as folk keep mailing us about it - we are aware that the RSS feed is truncated and picture-free. It's an unfortunate side-effect of a Wordpress upgrade, and we're hoping for word on a fix soon. Soz, like. In gladder tidings, the three people who read us in Safari will be happy to know we once again play nice with Apple's silvery browser.

And now, on with the busman's latest holiday.

Features, Opinions & Interviews


Free games and gaming frippery

News and curios

Completely irrelevant to anything we do here

Omnibus image derived from a Creative Commons-licensed photo by xddorox.

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