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OmniBus Driving/Crashing Onto PC Next Week

Busta groove

OmniBus [official site] is a bit like the movie Speed if it lived in the Mercenary III world and hung around with Crazy Taxi. That's a weird combination, isn't it? Want something weirder? The game's Bus Driver Edition comes with a soundtrack and an "actual MCI bus that may or may not have been used to motion capture lifelike bus movement," so say publisher Devolver Digital. There's one available for $7,500, apparently, for which they request "serious inquiries only."

So there you go. If you'd be happier with OmniBus' digital incarnation, though, it's out next week.

May 26, to be precise, is when you can play this "next-to-last gen" driving-physics hybrid, completing unusual missions by smashing through walls and roofs, or facing off against other players in the game's four player multiplayer mode. In doing so, you've no control over your bus' speed, however you must make sure it stays upright or it's game over. "Achieve goals, set high score, and receive total enlightenment," reads the blurb.

Also, if you missed it the first time round, please do watch this retro-inspired story trailer. 'Tis good fun:

Watch on YouTube

If any of that looks enticing, a free OmniBus demo is still available on Itch. There, you'll partake in a range of weird and wonderful story missions - such as steering a bus with a firework strapped to its back across an airborne sports field, and skydiving through a multistory building - or take to the streets and rack up as much damage as is physically/financially possible. It's bizarre, but I think that's the point and as such I'm excited to see what's in store for its full release.

Omnibus will launch May 26 for Windows, Mac and Linux - on Steam for £6.29 and GOG for £6.39.

Oh, and there's even a free "papercraft template" edition. You can grab that over here.

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