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The Waiting Game: Metal Gear Solid V Footage

So Solid's crew?

The existential limbo that the PC version of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain finds itself is is pretty apt given the ridiculous lore of the series. For what it's worth, Hideo Kojima has stated that it will appear "sometime", but that it's not a priority. Boo-urns to that! His lackadaisical attitude isn't going to stop me from showing off the new videos of the game, because open-world stealth games are my jam. Below is probably the only footage of Metal Gear in existence that's not interrupted by seven billion cut-scenes, which I find encouraging. I might be able to play this when it eventually comes to the PC.

It's Metal Gear stealth, which means lots of crouched running and silenced headshots, and a fair amount of using inert bodies as traps or projectiles, which a cliche that I am a big fan of. It also seems that there's a lot leeway in how you take things on, with the ending of the second video turning it into a violent shoot-out. That's not the MSGS I remember, though I did stop playing after the second game.

The opening is in English, but the pair of game sections are in Japanese. Those of you not versed in that language will just have to look at the pretty pictures.

So we have no idea when it'll be out, but I'd expect to be playing Grand Theft Auto V first.

Thanks, V to the G to the 247.

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