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The Witcher 3 Trailer Contains Ecstatic Evil, Lots Of Antlers

Much like the UK, I bet.

Combat in previous Witcher games has been a point of criticism, even among those folks I know have appreciated its other RPG mechanics. I have no idea whether The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt [official site] will fix those issues, but boy, it does look satisfyingly stabby. The latest trailer - the 4601st, I think - is all about "rage and steel". Which means dismemberment aplenty.

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I like swords that do damage like swords instead of simply being shiny baseball bats, so I'm good with all the violence. But look at that enemy design! Word is that The Witcher 3 contains much more actual monster hunting than the last game, and I am totally down for tracking and fighting Fire Tummy Todd, Giddy Goat Elk Gary, Hollow-faced Moss Martin, Barry Big-Tongue Backribs, and that blind ogre guy whose name I didn't catch. Check out how excited to be evil they seem:

David Cameron.

David Cameron.

David Cameron.

Top antler artists at that CD Projekt Red. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is due out on May 19th. Here's a hands-on preview from back in January.

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