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Ticking Over: No Time To Explain Trailer

I'm posting this more as a reminder of No Time To Explain's status than anything else. It started off as a free flash game, then the developers announced they were polishing the game into something more substantial with the best trailer ever made, and since then they've amassed almost $20,000 on their Kickstarter page, shattering their original target of $7,000 like a tiny bird flying clean through a windowpane. You've still got another 24 days to pledge, with $5 getting you the game at launch (they're aiming for late summer), a saving of some 50%. For $25 you'll get beta access and a level editor, and any particularly amazing levels will get into the finished game. Genius.

On April 1st TinyBuild released their first gameplay trailer, which it turned out was just three people dancing. More recently they've released an actual gameplay trailer. That's after the jump.

Is Kickstarter the best thing to happen to indie development for years? Maybe, maybe. Here, I'll cut and paste a summary I made months ago-

We've got renowned Interactive Fiction authors quitting their day jobs to make IF full time, indie devs making adventure games flooded with Americana and magical realism and jetpack dinosaur multiplayer extravaganzas, and even a fund for continued development of an indie game arcade in NYC. Beautiful stuff. And here's another one. An indie studio made of up industry veterans wants your money to make Knights: Spiral Island, an online FPS boasting crab warriors, star vikings and potentially even "haunted bicycles" and "psychic space bees".

And out of all of those, Knights: Spiral Island was the only one that failed to reach it's funding target. Anyway! That trailer.

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