Time Unravels: New Singularity Trailer
I've made one of my official decisions. Singularity is going to be good. If, for whatever reason it turns out to not be good, Raven forfeit the right to make games any more. Times are harsh, my wrath is mighty. So far the teaser output has been of a really entertaining standard. In rather good news, there's a new trailer out, and it shows in-game footage. It's below.
I like how the TMD is able to focus on a particular object, and move it through time. Or indeed move its time through now. Clearly this could go either way. If the uncrumpled barrel is the only way to pass that particular section, then it could become quite a gimmicky theme. If that's an example of someone improvising within the scene, then hoo-ray, that looks a lot of fun.
For geeky fun, the people at inSingularity spotted that during the new trailer, at around one minute in the magic numbers from Lost appear on a crate. Which probably is a sign of something about someone. Keep up with the conspiracies at the official pretend-unofficial site.