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Ubisoft Explains The Wait For Beyond Good And Evil 2

One of the greater tragedies of the modern age (mainly of gaming, I suppose, but also just in general) is that we've seen neither hide nor hair of Beyond Good and Evil 2 since a fairly insubstantial leak earlier this year. And before that, it was pretty much all radio silence. That's painfully upsetting, because the original was a flawed yet fascinating romp through a world of conspiracy and pig people. It's a cobweb-coated corner of the gaming universe to which I'd gladly return, but so far, no dice. But why? Why isn't Ubisoft currently devoting all of its energies to making games just for meeeeee?

Well, in short, because it has to make other games for other people too, I guess or whatever. Specifically, creator Michel Ancel is busy lending a hand to his armless brainchild (as opposed to his brainless armchild) Rayman, and that's eating up all of his time and then some. Speaking with Polygon, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot explained:

"What's very important is that Michel Ancel is kind of doing too many things at the same time. He was working on Rayman [Oranges] last year, and he's working a lot on Rayman Legends this year. So, you know, when he does that, he kind of puts too much of his time on the other projects that he has. So the fact is, that working on Legends is slowing the process on Beyond Good and Evil 2."

"It's really a game that we've been working, we have worked on, and is a game that we want to do. But there are so many things that have to be done that, you know, this one is going to come in line at one point, but at the moment Michel is really on Rayman Legends."

The seemingly grittier sequel, then, isn't dead by any means, but this isn't usually the kind of thing someone says when a finished product is just around the corner. So I would recommend patience. And then I would recommend teaching me how it works, because it's not a concept I've ever been intimately familiar with - or, indeed, even understood on a basic level.

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