Vegans of Virtue: Dungeons of Dredmor(e)
Not all dungeons require a cross-country trek or a cheeky spot of fast-travel to access. Dungeons of Dredmor was a light but appropriately vicious roguelike which charmed both John and I earlier this year, and creators Gaslamp Games have not left it to fester away on a darkened corner of Steam. As well as a steady trickle of patches, they've announced some real-money DLC is incoming, as well as a new patch which, among other things, doubles the number of avatar genders on offer. I did some pretty impressive maths to arrive at that conclusion, let me tell you.
Most of the extra stuff is restricted to the DLC, of course. Given the parent game only costs £3.49/insert foul foreignland currency of your choice here, it's highly unlikely to be expensive DLC, mind. I am happy about this news, which isn't something I often say about DLC.
Details are thin on the ground, beyond the fairly inevitable 'more stuff', this specifically meaning new monsters, skills, items, levels and MYSTERIOUS OTHER THINGS; pretty much all we do know it'll feature a Vegan skill tree. Expect tofu gags aplenty. You can pore over a few screenshots for info-scraps here.
Also impending is patch 1.07, which entail a lady adventurer joining the game. Complete with the Dredmor-requisite big eyebrows, of course. Mod support is also planned, the skill-picking UI is being overhauled, and there'll be an option for a fast mode featuring smaller dungeon floors. Jolly good.