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A Game And A Chat: FRACT OSC's Richard Flanagan

As A Matter Of FRACT

FRACT OSC is a musical passion project that's been strumming light riffs on the backing track of RPS' Official Exciteosourchestra for years. It's a first-person explorer set in a pulsating dance floor paradise of smooth synths and devious puzzles. Our kind of thing? You don't know the half of it. Alec, however, came away feeling slightly let down, so I invited creator Richard Flanagan to defend his design choices. We'll discuss criticism of FRACT's bold, beautiful world, music as an integral part of the design process, the personal nature of the game, Myst and other first-person puzzlers, and HEAVY METAL. We're kicking off at 12 PM PT/8 PM RPS TimeTune in below.

Update: We're done! Tons of interesting discussion about puzzle design and musical toys and METAL. Watch it all below.

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