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Watch Dogs: Ubi Does Open-World Hack'n'Stealth

Tcch, everyone knows you don't reveal new game IPs at E3. It's all about companies trying to out-sequel each other. Or, if you're Microsoft, being insane enough to believe that anyone on Earth is interested that they've spilt more Bing onto their Xbox dashboard. Ubisoft have elected to buck the safe-bet trend with the mighty promising Watch Dogs - an apparently semi-open world game of grand-scale hacking. Includes bringing up a frightening amount of embarrassingly personal information about passers-by at the touch of a button, stealthing into buildings by making everyone's mobile phones play up, screwing up traffic lights remotely to cause dramatic pile-ups and, somewhat sadly after all that bravura tech-twisting stuff, some trad. shooty-bang-bang. Also, graphicasability which appears to fall firmly into the 'ultra' bracket. Though whispers are this is a couple of years off, so salt may need some pinching for now.

Comes across to my over-quickly-opinionising eyes as a more grounded, real-world Deus Ex cut'n'shunted to GTA. Take a look at the first footage, which apparently made the journo-crowds at E3 whoop with even more shamefully unprofessional rapture than they did for Halo 4, below.

Watch on YouTube

No-one seems quite sure what platforms this is due for yet, but Ubi tend to be pretty good for PC releases. Eventually, anyway. Current Twitter rumour is suggesting this demo, shown 'live' at Ubi's E3 pre-show conference just moments ago, was actually running on a PC too. All hail!

There is a website but that's broken right now. Must have been hacked by a swaggering man in a raincoat.

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