Watch Us Play Cities Skylines Live
Oh God
OH GOD. Why am I doing this? Well, partly because it's high time I learned how, and partly because we're allowed to stream Cities Skylines before we're allowed to write reviews. Thus, in a few minutes I shall leave my comfort zone to bring you live footage of me playing (trying to play) Paradox's new city-builder. It's due to go live at 3.45pm UK time, but you'll be able to watch the whole thing retroactively later if you prefer.
Things to know:
1) I'm pretty new to the streaming software, so that might go wrong.
2) My PC is prone to random restarts, so that might go wrong.
3) I have a really loud mechanical keyboard so you're going to hear that. Will dig up a quieter one if I do more of these.
4) I haven't played the game ever before, so that might go wrong.
5) My voice is.. well, I'll let others offer vitriol there, other than to say that very well might go wrong too.