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Watch4Free: Battlefield Play4Free Footage

Who's excited about Battlefield Play4Free? I'm not, but only because as Ben Cousins, Senior Producer of EA Dice says, "It's much more aimed at a traditional First Person Shooter fan." Me? I like contemporary first person shooters. I like to scald myself by taking fat bites from the endless chili pepper of innovation. Battlefield: Even Better Destructible Terrain, that'd be the game for me.

Below you can watch the first in-game footage from Play4Free, as well as hear Cousins talk about what they're doing with the game, why they went free, and why that might be a pretty good idea.

Bang! Bang! Come join me in the lukewarm waters of Manshoot Lagoon. Did you forget your bathing costume? Oh. I guess you have to leave. This isn't Deviance Lagoon, dude. There are rules. I don't want your kalashnikov floating around, inches from mine. Nobody does.

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