Monday is a holiday for us so we'll be a bit quieter than usual until Tuesday.
But, more importantly... they said it couldn't be done. They said it'd never happen. They said I was only fooling myself. Hmph! Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: all six RPS staffers reporting what we're playing this weekend!
Adam: Hitman. Probably nothing BUT Hitman given how much I'm enjoying my time in Sapienza. I've also got
Jalopy ready to roll and might even start
Mass Effect. That's
Mass Effect 1. I have never played these sexy space games and I probably should do that at some point.
Alec: Hitman chapter 2 for me, I think. I already liked the first chapter, in Paris, more than Adam did, so I'm very excited about
how excited he is. Either that means I'm going to be in absolute raptures about the Italy-set new stage, or I'm going to hate it because we are doomed to be forever opposite when it comes to slapheaded killing machines.
I also have Dark Souls III installed on my hard drive, which I keep staring at with deep suspicion before bottling it.
Alice: Mate, nothing. My plans for the weekend are to attend
the Beltane Fire Festival and see the May Queen and the Green Man and the acrobats and the drums and the fire, all of the fire. Beyond that, I don't know or care and shall endeavour to spend all other time in a regenerative coma. Bring me fire, bring me oblivion, or otherwise get out of my weekend.
Graham: My now three-person strong family has decamped to stay with some relatives for a while, which means I have very limited access to games except those I can play over a remote connection to my PC back home. I might try some
Concrete Jungle.
John: This weekend I shall actually be playing games! Oh my goodness, I haven't looked forward to a weekend like this for years. My wife and son are going away for three days, and I'm going to be a bachelor again! Three days of sitting around in my pants, playing games. I've yet to choose which ones - I've a whole pile of stuff that's released recently I want to poke at, and I've got this
Ori Definitive review to finish, and I've been replaying
Bastion, and goodness knows what else. Oh me oh my, what a weekend it's going to be!
Philippa: This weekend I will be preparing for the
League of Legends Mid-season Invitational by, uh, playing ARAM. All Random All Mid seems to be where I'm excelling at the moment and so I can combine brushing up on my hero knowledge with killing fools and earning commendations for being cheery at my teammates. When not doing that I'll be settling in for some extended undersea pottering in
Subnautica. It's so pretty!
But you, dearest reader, what are you playing?