I'm adrift in time, tossed on waves of sales which hide landmarks and leave me lost as to when it is. I had thought to blurb this intro with something about Bonfire Night coming but... that has already happened. I mean, it is still coming, but not for another 49 weeks. I used to be able to sail this timesea based on a few distinct sales but now I am lost.
What are you playing this weekend? Here's what we're clicking on!
Get used to hearing this, but: now there are two children in the house, planning to play games of a weekend is about as realistic as hoping to go on a long bike ride while I'm on an intercontinental flight. That said, a spot of after-hours Hitman 2 may well be on the cards. Blood Money has finally been toppled as Bestest Best Hitman - and I'm weirdly hooked on the brief, single-screen Sniper Assassin Mode.
Alice Bee
Alice has been fired.
Alice L
Another Alice has been fired.
Alice O
A-Alice? Other Alice? But I'm still here. After picking Destiny 2 up for free in that "oh no, please play our game" giveaway, I burned through it and bought the expansions. I wished to see more pretty places and collect more big revolvers; so far it has satisfied.
Brendan has been fired.
I started Hitman 2 and so far I've clumsily gassed an empty room, shot three people in the head, and blown myself up with a haphazardly dropped grenade. The tutorial now complete, I'm now on to Miami, and excited to have a stack of murderboxes ahead of me.
John has been fired.
Having lost Katharine to Black Friday deals mania the plan was to play more Red Dead, but I'm enjoying Hitman 2 more. Not content with offing Sean Bean with a combination of hurled muffins and a hurling Bean, I'm now trying to squeeze all the assassinations from Whittleton Creek. Trying to snipe two targets from a kid's treehouse, without attracting the attention of the massive BBQ party taking place next door, is proving very tricky.
But you, dearest reader, what are you playing?