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When To Watch The Big E3 Press Event Streams

Live from Los Angeles

Sleep is for the weak and the uninformed and the sensible. Which is why I'll be up until the stupid hours of the morning watching the E3 festivities play out like a parade of dreams (or a collection of marketing hoo-hah and 30sec reveal trailers, depending on your outlook). It all kicks off today, and you can see all of the big press conferences streaming over on Twitch or YouTube at the following times:

Microsoft: Monday 5:30pm BST

EA: Monday 9pm BST

Ubisoft: Monday 11pm BST

Square Enix: Tuesday 6pm BST

PC Gaming Show: Wednesday 1am BST

All of these press conferences are likely to contain PC-related news, but if you’re also interested in consoles, don’t miss the following:

Sony: Tuesday 2am BST

Nintendo: Tuesday 5pm BST

Expect to see a big emphasis on VR; Microsoft's Phil Spencer had a cameo appearance on Oculus' press conference stage last week, so I wouldn't be surprised to see the favour reciprocated.

EA will be showing us first footage of Star Wars Battlefront and Mirror's Edge Catalyst, plus maybe a reveal of the new Mass Effect game. Meanwhile, Ubisoft will be trying to persuade us that Assassin's Creed: Syndicate isn't just a dolled up version of Unity (I hope they succeed) and Square Enix will be pushing the imminent Final Fantasy XIV expansion, Heavensward. Then on Wednesday AMD and PC Gamer are hosting a PC love-in, during which we're promised a few game reveals.

We'll surely see a surprise or two too. Prepare a pot of coffee or two, this is going to be a fun week. Our roving reporter Pip is on the ground in LA as well.

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