This Week In Witcher 3 Freebies: Coat And A Quest
Geralt's such a tourist
Do you ever worry Geralt seems a bit too into the fashion of the places he visits? He cottons onto a local look and adopts it himself, which I'd say is worse than a tourist wearing an 'I ♥ Skellige' t-shirt. He wants everyone to know he totally gets the culture, yeah? The sort of arse who'd swan around Paris wearing black and smoking Marlboros, nodding at passers-by in the market like "Yeah, we Parisians get this."
This time, he's dressing up as one of Skellige's own sons in the latest round of free little add-ons for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt [official site] as he undertakes a new Skelligen quest.
The Skellige Set, as you'll see up top, is sold by the armourer at Kaer Trolde. As ever with these add-ons, the armour will scale to your level a little. He also sells some pretty nice horse gear, with both good stats and a nice chainmail flair. It's a sensible outfit for a horse in battle.
I haven't had a chance to check out the new quest, Contract: Skellige's Most Wanted, yet. CD Projekt say it "will take you from an Ard Skellig town on a monster hunt to track down whatever attacked a horrified Skelliger. It’s a monster hunt like no other - will you survive?" I'll probably return to the autosave/quicksave point until I do survive, in all honesty.
These are the eleventh and twelfth of the sixteen planned free bits of 'DLC.' To download them, follow the usual method.