Zombie Cow: No Plans To Make Forthcoming Sequel
The fellows at Zombie Cow, behind the completely fantastic Ben There, Dan That ! , have announced the news that there definitely won't be a sequel to the adventure game. No sirree. Not a chance. And want to know what should go in it.
"Oooh, Ben There, Dan That!, eh? Ended on a bit of a cliffhanger, didn’t it? I wonder how veritable heroes Dan and Ben get out of that one. Shame there’ll never ever be a sequel, simply because Donationware doesn’t really bring in enough cold, hard cash to make it economically viable."
So convinced are they that no follow-up will happen that they're asking for suggestions of what people would want to see in a sequel they're absolutely not going to make. Things that aren't planned for the game that doesn't exist currently include:
"Already on the list:
- Smaller and tighter.
- Better puzzles.
- Marginally nicer graphics.
-More jokes about wankingless jokes about wanking."
You can add your own in their thread. Oh, and if you're one of the 10,000 people who played it, give them some money you tight bastard.
Meanwhile, ZC are pimping their older games, with demos for Gibbage and Cruxade appearing over on GamersHell. Gibbage is 2-player 2D cartoon deathmatch, which now only costs a measly £3. It's cute, retro, and about two people have a fun time at the same keyboard. And splurting blood everywhere and blowing each other's heads off. Cruxade is the colour-match puzzle every indie developer is apparently required to make. It's not that bad, and only a tenner.