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16,000 People Chase The Apocalypse: Wasteland 2 Is Go

It's a Kickstarter miracle! Top-down post-apocalyptic RPG Wasteland 2, has managed to earn its Kickstarter funding goal in 42 hours and 30 minutes. With 33 days left until the end of the world begins, Brian Fargo's dream project has scooped its $900,000 target and is closing in on that first million. Impressively it's sold out all eight of the offered $10,000 reward packages, including a donation from Razer CEO Min-Liang Tan, who did so as an apology for pirating the original game.

What happens now? There are already plans in place for any extra funds: the more money, the bigger and more open the world becomes.

At $1.25 million, the money will go primarily into making the world bigger, adding more maps, more divergent stories and even more music

At $1.5 million, the world gets even bigger. You'll have more adventures to play, more challenges to deal with, and a greater level of complexity to the entire storyline. We'll add more environments, story elements, and characters to make the rich world come alive even more. We will even be able to bring Wasteland 2 to OS X for Mac lovers.

Apparently at $100,000,000, he'll bring about the apocalypse and turn the world into a "vast desert suckhole where everyone will suffer each and every second of their lives". I'm paraphrasing*, but what dedication to game design!

So far I've paid for FTL and the Double Fine Adventure. I think that'll do me for now: I kind of want to buy games I can play right away.


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