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A Good Combination: Doodle God

Want to know why I haven't gone to bed? It's because of DeliriumWartner, and his recommending Doodle God. Which has nothing to do with doodling. It does instead have an awful lot to do with being godly. You're given just four elements, earth, wind, fire and water, and by combining them the aim is to create 115. Which involves an awful lot of combining.

It's done with a fair dose of wit. Each combination comes with a quote, but more interesting is what the combinations create. Golem + Energy = Human. Human + Energy = Wizard. These are calculations we know to be truths.

It's nicely put together - you can click on the icons, or even drag them on top of one another. But of course it does eventually devolve into randomly combining everything on everything. Despite this, it's still amazingly rewarding when you find a match.

And I want to keep going, despite being so very, very tired.

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