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Afterbirth - X: Rebirth Adds Some Requested Features

Born yet again

Poor old Craigypops. He was so looking forward to X: Rebirth. But wot he got was a buggy mess of a poorly conceived game, and one in such a state he couldn't see a way out for the project. Developers Egosoft are hoping otherwise, and have released a trailer explaining the fixes and changes that are new in the next patch.

With a minuscule metascore of 33, and not a single mark out there reaching even 5/10, it's fair to say that X:Rebirth has been at the very least a critical disaster. Players haven't been too delighted either. The developers say they are "listening to feedback". That can't be fun.

The game's getting a logbook, so people can keep track of what's going on, and improvements to trading information. They've also brought in X3's target locking, which apparently a lot of people were asking for.

However, it's hard to imagine how small tweaks like these can save the game. The issue seems to go a lot deeper here, and it does seem like they may want to consider focusing their efforts on X5, rather than trying to salvage something from this wrecked ship. Is the above enough to have you consider giving it another chance?

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