The Deity Today: Age Of Wonders III
Beyond the pomp and circumstance, I always felt that theocrats were essentially bureaucrats with bigger hats. And I guess the hats are part of either the pomp or the circumstance anyhow - a Stovepipe of Circumstance +4 or a Zucchetto of Pomp +2. Nineteen minutes of Age of Wonders III footage introduces another kind of theocrat, one with honest-to-badness divine powers and inquisitorial tendencies. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the revived strategy game but spent my time in the soft-soled boots of a rogue rather than the hard-souled vestments of a theocrat. The video is in the form of a developer-led let's play, showing a late-game battle involving an Eldritch Horror.
I don't normally stick with twenty minute trailers for their entire duration but after the first couple of minutes, I realised that this one had soothed my Monday blues. Seeing a developer struggle with the AI in his own game is reassuring, as is the realisation that other people spend so much time checking stats and resistances.
The game is out in a couple of weeks, on March 31st.