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ARGmentation: Deus Ex Code Cracking

Those among you with your ears to the internet will have noticed that a mystery has been unfolding around Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Some people are referring to it as an "ARG". That's a pretty serious term and shouldn't be bandied about lightly, but this does have all the hallmarks of one. It all started with a code, or "some gibberish" as I call it, and eventually led to the image you see above. Quite how people worked it out is a mystery to my little meat-brain, which is to say I'm convinced they had some form of calculating device embedded in their skulls. Rather amusingly, even that wasn't enough though because Eidos Montreal had to release extra clues. To be fair, I didn't even understand those though. The story so far is here. What does it all mean? Were any of you involved in figuring out what's happened so far? And am I actually quite stupid for not understanding how any of this worked? Arg(h)!

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