Astral Druid (Standard) deck list - November 2016
The best Astral Druid deck list for the Standard ladder in Season 32.
Here's a pretty typical Astral Druid deck list that should get you off to a good start on the ladder this month.
The rather challenging ideal is to land Astral Communion and Innervate in your opening hand, although if those cards stubbornly refuse to show up you can play on as a slightly less efficient Ramp Druid.
BREAKING NEWS! - Don't miss our essential guide to the best Gadgetzan decks that are dominating the new metagame right now.
Druid | Neutral |
2 x Innervate | 1 x Sylvanas Windrunner |
2 x Raven Idol | 1 x Baron Geddon |
2 x Wild Growth | 1 x Ragnaros the Firelord |
2 x Wrath | 1 x Cenarius |
2 x Astral Communion | 1 x Icehowl |
1 x Fandral Staghelm | 1 x Soggoth the Slitherer |
2 x Mire Keeper | 1 x C'Thun |
2 x Nourish | 1 x Deathwing |
2 x Dark Arakkoa | 1 x Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound |
2 x Ancient of War | |
2 x Ironbark Protector |
More great guides:
- The best Standard decks in Hearthstone - March 2017
- The best Wild decks in Hearthstone - March 2017
- Hearthstone: Deck Tier List - March 2017
- Hearthstone: Druid decks - Standard, Wild and Budget
- Beast Druid (Standard) deck list and guide
- C'Thun Druid (Standard) deck list and guide
- Jade Druid (Standard) deck list and guide
- Malygos Druid (Standard) deck list and guide
- Menagerie Druid (Standard) deck list and guide
- Ramp Druid (Standard) deck list and guide
Found a faster climb with a different take on Astral Druid? Let us know about the changes you've made to the format in the comments section below!